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Pope John Endowment

The Pope John XXIII Endowment Fund, Inc. was founded in 1985 to provide a vehicle for long-term investment planning. A Title XV corporation under the laws of the state of New Jersey, the Endowment Fund was granted endowment exemption status under Section 501(c)(3), which provides that contributions to the Endowment Fund are fully deductible under the Internal Revenue Code.

Contributions to the Endowment Fund have positively and dramatically impacted the school’s ability to meet today’s financial challenges as well as ensuring our future capital growth. Because tuition provides only 73% of the revenues necessary to operate the high school each year, all gifts are essential to ensuring that Pope John XXIII High School’s future is secure.

The entire community of Pope John – administration, faculty, students, and parent s of current and future students – offers sincere gratitude to those who support such a lasting and meaningful legacy.

We invite you to visit the Endowment Fund website to learn about charitable giving strategies and to support the fund through participation in their fund-raisers – the spring golf classic, car raffle, and fall clay shoot.


View the Endowment Site